Searching For Work

If you're searching for work in Ireland this page will point you towards useful resources and hiring agencies, as well as guide you through LinkedIn and other online tools you should be using for job searching!

Why not use our CV Templates to help prepare your professional profile for job applications.

Job Seeking Guidance



Make sure you have a LinkedIn profile and that your work experience information matches your CV.  Upload a recent photo of yourself to your account. Recruiters respond more positively to profiles that have a photo. In Ireland most recruiters check your LinkedIn profile once they receive your CV.

The LinkedIn platform is primarily used for professional networking and career development and allows job seekers to post their CVs and employers to post jobs. LinkedIn allows members (both workers and employers) to create profiles and "connect" with each other in an online social network which may represent real-world professional relationships. 

With the “Open to Work” feature, you can privately tell recruiters or publicly share with the LinkedIn community that you are looking for new job opportunities.

Websites to find jobs in Ireland

Jobs in Ireland covering a range from Hair and Beauty, Chefs, Retail to Warehouse and Logistics and much more.


Jobs in Ireland covering a range from Drivers, Warehousing, Retail, Healthcare, Administration, Production Operator and much more

Public Jobs

Ireland's Premier Public Sector Recruitment Website

The Wheel

Irish Civil Society Organisations – 1300 voluntary organisations in Ireland many advertise roles on this site.

Reputable Recruitment Agencies

 Please note that reputable recruitment agencies in Ireland will not expect a fee from a job seeker for their services.


How to Create a CV

View our guide on creating your own professional CV.

Learn what makes a CV stand out and be informative, to best showcase your skills and experiences.

Top firms in Ireland

Top Firms in Ireland: 1,000 companies listed by the Irish Times including websites and other contact information


Don’t just email in your CV to a recruitment agency. Make an appointment to meet with a recruiter (online or in person) so that you can build a professional relationship with the recruiter, and they will make more informed decisions about where to send your CV.
