
Welcome To Ireland

This is a free website to help you find work in Ireland.  All the CV templates are available to download. Please edit with your own professional experience. We hope you will find this website helpful.

We are glad you are here.

Welcome To Ireland

This is a free website to help you find work in Ireland.  All the CV templates are available to download. Please edit with your own professional experience. We hope you will find this website helpful.

We are glad you are here.

What We Offer

CV Help Ireland was created to help people in need get access to resources and information that will help them find their way in the working world, here in Ireland.

Professionally developed CV Templates tailored to a range of professions, advice and information about creating your own CV and searching for work in Ireland.
Free Sample CVs

Professional CV Templates

Professionally developed CV Templates for a variety of professions, completely free!
Guides And Information

Guides and Information

Useful guides and information for creating your CV, and looking for work in Ireland
Professional Support


If your profession is not included please let us know. Have patience with us as we build this resource.

Our Mission

The mission and purpose of this web site is to help refugees coming to Ireland to find jobs. Currently we are focusing on those fleeing the war in Ukraine. If you are already here and legally able to work in Ireland, then this information may be useful to you too.

Really, we just want to help.


Our Reason

As a country Ireland has been heavily affected by emigration over the last two centuries. Approximately ten million people have emigrated from the Island of Ireland since 1800.

Now, in 2022 it’s Ireland’s turn to give back.

"Most countries send out oil or iron, steel or gold, or some other crop, but Ireland has had only one export and that is its people."

- John F. Kennedy on his presidential visit to Ireland, June 1963

Our Mission

The mission and purpose of this web site is to help refugees coming to Ireland to find jobs. Currently we are focusing on those fleeing the war in Ukraine. If you are already here and legally able to work in Ireland, then this information may be useful to you too.

Really, we just want to help.


Our Reason

As a country Ireland has been heavily affected by emigration over the last two centuries. Approximately ten million people have emigrated from the Island of Ireland since 1800.

Now, in 2022 it’s Ireland’s turn to give back.


"Most countries send out oil or iron, steel or gold, or some other crop, but Ireland has had only one export and that is its people."

- John F. Kennedy on his presidential visit to Ireland, June 1963

Ukrainian Refugee Support and Information

The Governement of Ireland has provided an official information hub for Ukranian refugees.
This page has information for people who have family in Ukraine, or for people in Ukraine who plan to travel to Ireland, or have recently arrived here.

The Irish Refugee Council also provide information and support for refugees coming to Ireland.
Citizens Information Ireland