How To Create a CV

A CV Guide

What should you include in your CV? How long should it be? How do you structure a CV? 

Read our guide here and we'll try to answer all your questions and guide you through creating your own professional CV.

Use our templates to get a head start on creating your CV

CV Guide

A two-page CV is all that is required.

CV Structure - 2 Pages (A4) 


  • Profile: Two to three sentences that summarize your professional profile 
  • Expertise: Your skills and qualifications
  • Professional Competencies:  include five to six professional competencies
  •  Previous employers: indicate your position with each employer, including the dates of employment e.g. Role, Organisation Name and dates employed
  • Education, professional training, or professional credentials. Include the area of study or degree program if you have a degree

Competency based CV

A competency is the capability to apply or use a set of related knowledge, skills, and abilities required to successfully perform "critical work functions" or tasks in a defined work setting.

Examples of competencies

  • Project Management 
  • Communication
  • Computer Skills/Data Analysis
  • Problem Solving
  • Leadership & Developing Talent
  • Operational/Administrative Skills
  • Languages

Examples of Competency based CV’s here


Searching for work?

Read our guide on searching for work in Ireland.

We'll point you towards useful resources, reputable hiring agencies, and how to manage your LinkedIn

Some points to remember about your CV:

  • 2 Pages (A4) is enough.  Remember, your CV is the appetiser, and the Interview is the main course.  Try to keep the CV as brief as possible.  Please go to the CV Templates Page for more information.
  • Active verbs should be used whenever possible. For example, include words like 'directed', 'evaluated' and 'planned' to demonstrate decision making capabilities etc. 
  • Spelling or grammar mistakes should be avoided. Use a spell checker and ask a trusted friend to look over your CV before submission.
  • Tailor your CV. Look at the company's website. Find the strategic plan or any other publicly available information to ascertain the organisational culture of the company.  What words do they use?  What is their mission statement?
  • Tailor your CV to each job description.  Every job description is different.  If you are not sure what the organisation really wants from the role, make a word cloud (see link to free resource ).  Weave the words that the job description uses into your CV but don’t cut and paste directly from the job description!
  • Don’t send out a CV sweep.  Try not to send the same CV to hundreds of perspective employers.
  • Make sure your email address is professional. If your personal address is unsuitable create a new account for professional use.
  • If you are fluent in languages other than English include them!
  • Clean up your social media accounts. Make sure there is nothing on Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn that you wouldn’t want a perspective employer to see.  They will look! 
  • Don't lie on your CV. Not only will you demonstrate your dishonesty to a potential employer, but there may be other ramifications also.